Date Wed, May 10, 2023


Writing college essays One of the most prominent and widespread tasks among students of different universities, university essays are also used as a means of evaluating the student, and the extent of his understanding and comprehension of the topics being studied, and thus grades are set for the student based on the evaluation of the articles he writes, and writing articles depends on many foundations that the student must know well to write good articles, in this article we will discuss the foundations of writing university essays, and how to start writing university essays for beginners, As well as the foundations and rules of writing scientific research.

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What are college essays? What is their purpose?

University essays are a set of writing tasks that university professors ask their students to complete in order to measure their level of comprehension of various subjects, as well as to measure their abilities in scientific research, extracting information from scientific research and summarizing it. University essays also measure students’ abilities to apply the rules of writing scientific research that are studied at the university.

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What are the basic rules for writing college essays for beginners?

Many students need to know how to write university essays for beginners, especially if the student does not have a talent for writing. There is no need to worry. In the beginning, there are some rules that you must follow and adhere to while writing the essay. We give you some of these rules as follows:

  • Determine the topics that the article will cover, as well as determine the sequence of the article’s topics.
  • Define a clear title for the article, including a good description of what will be covered in the article.
  • Arrange the paragraphs of the article correctly, and pay attention to putting an introduction and conclusion to the article.
  • Writing a good introduction sets the stage for the topic that will be covered in the essay.
  • Focus on the main idea of ​​the article and do not touch on side topics, to avoid the article not fulfilling its main ideas.
  • Commitment to the rules of the language, whether Arabic or English.
  • The article must be measured using citation measurement tools, as university articles for beginners and professionals are not accepted if the citation rate exceeds 3%.
  • Adhere to the minimum and maximum allowed words in the article, as well as adhere to the required number of pages only.

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College Essay Writing Tips for Beginners

As we mentioned earlier, following the basic rules for writing university essays for beginners helps you write a good and organized essay. Today, in this article, we give you some tips on how to write a university essay for beginners, which, in addition to following the rules, help you reach the level of professionalism in writing essays.

  • Reading and being well-educated about the topic you want to write about. This rule applies to writing scientific research and writing university essays as well, as lack of familiarity with the topic leads to poor quality university essays that do not fulfill their purpose.
  • Determine the main idea or group of ideas to write about, and do not get distracted by many ideas.
  • Write in clear and smooth language, avoiding complex words, and avoiding words whose meaning the student does not know.
  • Avoid using colloquial words or vulgar phrases, as this is not considered a good level of professionalism and is not taken into account by university professors when evaluating university essays, whether in Arabic or English.
  • Relying on reliable books and references to complete the information required for the article, and not relying on websites and forums that publish undocumented information. This information also applies fully to writing scientific research, as the research is rejected if the sources are not clear, or if undocumented sources are used to complete the information for the research.
  • Some images may be included to support the information mentioned in the article, but the conditions required by university professors to include images in the article must be adhered to.
  • Consider a gradual and smooth transition between ideas so as not to distract the reader.

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What are the rules for writing scientific research?

There are many rules for writing scientific research that are taught to university students, which are based on the international rules that are set to determine the different methods of writing scientific research and publishing it in scientific magazines and periodicals around the world. The most important rules for writing scientific research are as follows:

  • Choosing the research problem, or the question that the research provides an answer to. Choosing this matter represents choosing the research topic.
  • It must be taken into account that the research idea must be logical, researchable and applicable, as this is the most important rule for writing scientific research.
  • Writing an introduction to the research that indicates the idea and topic of the research, as well as the method used in the research, and the results reached in a brief manner.
  • Take care not to stray from the topic, as this will lead to the research being rejected for not fulfilling the basic purpose required of it.
  • Writing a conclusion for research indicates the final results reached through collecting information and conducting experiments.
  • Writing the sources from which the information was collected, and also the correct method for writing references must be adhered to, as there is a method that must be adhered to for writing references, and attention must be paid to organizing references correctly, as the rules for writing references are among the most important points that must be taken into account when writing scientific research.
  • Reviewing the research on citation measurement tools, as research that exceeds 3% of citations will not be accepted.

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What are the types of college essay?

The type of university essay required from the student is determined by his academic specialization, but in general, the university essays required from university students are as follows:

  • Academic articles, which deal with a scientific topic through study and discussion. Information for this type of academic article is obtained through books, academic references, and documented research, as we mentioned previously.
  • Narrative university essays, which tell a specific story or event in a sequential manner.
  • Objective or descriptive university essays are those essays that describe a single topic without mentioning the writer’s personal opinion, while adhering to an accurate description of the topic to be written about only.

What is the difference between a university essay and a scientific research?

Many students wonder about the difference between a university essay and a scientific research, as the essay and scientific research writing are among the assignments requested from university students, and the difference between them is as follows:

  1. A college essay may cover many ideas, while a research paper discusses one idea in detail.
  2. A university essay presents ideas in a concise manner that does not exceed a specific number of pages (usually between 3-4 pages), while scientific research writing is not limited to a specific number of pages.
  3. Scientific research deals with information in an abstract manner, without mentioning the researcher’s opinion in any way, while an article may include the writer’s opinion.
  4. The sources from which information was taken must be mentioned when writing the scientific research, and the international method for citing sources while writing the scientific research must be adhered to, while the article may be devoid of sources, as it may include, as we mentioned previously, the personal opinion and personal experiences of the writer.
  5. Both academic essays and scientific research writing require a citation percentage of no more than 3%.

Writing university essays and moving from the beginner level to the professional level requires more effort and continuous training, in addition to adhering to the rules mentioned, and the rules given by university professors to reach the best possible level.

School offers academic courses and consultations related to the academic field to help students face difficulties related to their academic studies, as well as help them do their homework, and educate students on how to write university essays for beginners in a simple way to help improve their grades and raise their academic level.

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